We are particularly happy to announce to you that our students in B2 level (Lower) - Irene Thanasoula, Vassia Hristopoulou, Aleka Avdi - & in C2 level (Proficiency) - Alexandra Papatreha- passed the exams taken in December 2011.
This means 100% success for our school! This means that all our students made it! This means that their knowledge in the English language is now officially certified! This means that they worked hard and they achieved their goal!This means that the Willpower teachers did a great job!
For all the above reasons and a lot more, I would personally like to congratulate them on their success and wish that they will always have progress in their life as well as dreams and ''willpower'' to make them come true. Last but not least, I would like to thank the teachers of our school for working hard with the students and also the parents for supporting and trusting us!
Best regards,
Mrs Efi