Ska-p is ska punk band from the working-class Vallecas neighborhood in Madrid, Spain. Intifada is a song from the band's fifth album ''Que Cora La Voz!'' It refers to the revolution of the Palestenians. There are 2 Intifadas. The First (1987-1991) was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule in the Palestenian territories and the Second was a period of intensified Palestenian-Israeli violence which began in late September 2000.In fact, this song talks about the unpleasant situations these people were forced to endure and the death of million of innocent local citizens. Additionally, it presents how awful it is to be kicked out of your own home, prevent you from protesting and eradicate your culture. However, they don't gine up and they keep trying to resist to war, racism and unjustice...
Seis miliones de judios aniquilados de la forma mas cruel.
Un genocido imperialista por ejercitos fascistas, de la historia hay que aprender.
Las victimas se han convertido en los verdugos se vuelven del reves,
clonizando territorios Palestinos, de nuevo atentando a la sensatez.
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Israel
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Yavé
Que harias tu si te echaran de tu casa sin derecho a rechistar
Pisoteando tu cultura, sumergido en la locura por perder la dignidad.
Palestina esta sufriendo en el exilio la opulencia de Israel
por un govierno prepotente, preparado para la guerra, por tu ya sabes quien.
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Israel
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Yavé
Piedras contra balas una nueva intifada en Cisjordania, en Gaza o en Jerusalem.
Ohh, quién podria imaginar oh...
que David fuese Goliath (2x)
Ohh Intifada, Intifada
Ohh Intifada, liberación!
No confundas mi postura, soy ateo y no creo en ningun dios,
no diferencio a las personas por su raza, su cultura o su mierda de religion!
Solo condeno el sufrimiento, la injustia y el abuso de poder
Palestina es sometida a la mas terca de las guerras, la opulencia de Israel.
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Israel
Muertos, muertos!!! ¿En nombre de quién?
Muertos, muertos!!! De Yavé
Piedras contra balas una nueva intifada en Cisjordania, en Gaza o en Jerusalem
Ohh, quién podria imaginar oh...
que David fuese Goliath (4x)
Ohh Intifada, intifada
Ohh Intifada, liberación! (2x)
Lyrics in English:
Six million Jews
Annihilated in the manner most cruel,
An imperialist genocide by the fascist armies.
You must understand history.
The victims have become executioners,
Switching roles,
Colonizing Palestinian territories, against all common sense.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
In the name of Israel.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
What would you do if someone kicked you out of home,
Giving you no right to protest,
Trampling on your culture,
And you were plunged into madness by the loss of dignity?
Palestine in exile suffers
The opulence of Israel
For an all-powerful government
Prepared for war
By you know whom.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
In the name of Israel.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
Stones against bullets
A new intifada
In the West Bank, Gaza, or Jerusalem.
Who could imagine
That David would become Goliath? (x2)
Intifada, intifada, intifada — liberation!
Don’t get me wrong,
Nor do I differentiate people
By their race, culture, or religion .
I only condemn oppression,
Injustice, and
The abuse of power.
Palestine is subjected to
The toughest wars,
The opulence of Israel.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
In the name of Israel.
Dead, dead!
In whose name?
Dead, dead!
Stones against bullets
A new intifada
In the West Bank, Gaza, or Jerusalem.
Who could imagine
That David would become Goliath?
Who could imagine(x4)
Intifada, intifada, intifada — liberation! (x2)
For those who are interested in hearing the song, search for it in 'you tube' under the title Intifada.